With Logana’s text search method you can find incorrectly searched or even incorrectly stored (!) text that normally you would not be able to with other search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.). This functionality - developed by our own teams - is part of Logana’s highly effective, associative text comparison algorithm, which is independent of language and character sets. You can try the demos (Analog1 and Analog2) for the service at www.logana.org.
Associative Name Seeker
The Analog1 (Associative Name Seeker) is an irregular solution for a regular text search task, used to perform a distorted search of more than a thousand international celebrities in the "Sample Data" table.
The most crucial parameters of a search engine are generally completeness and speed. Completeness means finding all the objects matching the requested criteria, while speed refers to a reaction time normally expected of a computer, that is, a few seconds.
Traditional text search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc., match the speed requirements; however, the same can very rarely be said of those of completeness, as these search tools cannot adequately manage textual errors in the users’ searches or in the documents stored.
You can find a detailed description on our Analog1 page (click on the Help hyperlink), where you can also try the demo application.
Associative KeyWord Collector and Associative TextSearch
There are two demo applications on the Analog2 page; the Associative KeyWord Collector and the Associative TextSearch. In both cases the user can enter a text to examine the technology of associative text comparison.
The Associative KeyWord Collector demonstrates a unique associative text processing method; it can be used to find the most characteristic words of the text ("keywords" in librarian terminology) the user provided. Moreover, the text entered can not only be English; users can enter text in French, German, Hungarian, Italian or Spanish.
The demo application for Associative TextSearch works like the Analog1 page, but this time it is the user who enters the text.
When the text is examined, it is not only words similar "enough" to the word in "Word Search" (i.e. at or above the value of "Limit Similarity") that can be found, but also those that include the word in "Word Search" as a subword (again, similarly "enough").
You can find the detailed description on our Analog2 page (click on one of the Help hyperlinks), where you can also try these two demo applications.
Have fun using the demos provided! Keep in mind that there are several other uses of Logana’s associative text processing technology (phoneme-based speech recognition, finding mutant gene sequences in DNA chains, finding IT viruses, comparing text documents, processing similarity data and identifying data connections in numerical data space etc.).
Best regards,
The Logana Information Research Center
If we have piqued your interest, please contact us at analog@logana.com.